In a world, full of the “next great product” and driven by corporate profit plans, where architects who want to design unique and beautiful projects resign to churning out cookie-cutter buildings that make our cities faceless, all in the name of higher billings, DESIGN 4 ONE is the initiative to restore balance, rhythm, uniqueness, beauty, and health to our cities, buildings, and ourselves by doing the opposite of what most business models have been teaching.

It is the initiative to embrace an approach to architecture and the practice of architecture, which focuses on human-scale projects, human-scale relationships, and creating a better environment. It is the initiative to stay small in a world obsessed with “more staff, higher billing”, the initiative to resist the corporate way of thinking. Design 4 ONE is a strategy to achieve great architecture without sarificing health and balance. It is assuming an “I have enough” approach to business and life and allowing the focus to be better architecture, rather than business.